Wednesday, September 29, 2004


Sitting in Starbucks

Back to this subject matter. Unoriginally I'm checking out the combination of a palm with a infrared keyboard and a wifi card and testing the feasibility of mobile blogging. I guess all I have to say is that it is totally feasible, and almost as convienient as a laptop. But a great deal lighter. I still seem to stuck in starbucks, although I could write anywhere and then cruise around looking to piggyback on somebodies home connection. Or an unprotected business connection, or something simple and free like Bryant Park. The only difficulty I come across is that the palm's browser doesn't automatically redirect to the sign-in page of the wifi network, and most networks, free and pay require you to sign in. Often this requires figuring out in advace where you are going to be and loading up the sign-in url in the browser bookmarks. Now I'm totally unprepared to answer the question "why" I would want to moblog, except, my-friends there is a certain transitory and no-doubt unreasonable feeling of power in being able to publish to the masses (even if no one reads the thing) via something you can fit in yr pocket. Better than postcards, and no duplicated effort, either. Next time I travel I am certainly subjecting my friends to a travel-blog. The next step in this pocket publishing thing will be to make it more automatic, more idiot proof. Something phone based. I can already send photos to my blog by phone. As you can, I hope, see. Anyway - lets see if this works

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