Tuesday, April 19, 2005


Ansonia Hotel

Ansonia Hotel, originally uploaded by niznoz.

2109 Broadway

Built in 1904, the Ansonia Hotel is a gorgeous confection. Beaux-Arts? So they say. Mit schlag? Absolutely! Full of architecutural creamy goodness outside, the hotel (despite its name it's an apartment house) possesses extra thick walls, making the apartments attractive to musicans (Arturo Toscanini, and Igor Stravinksy both lived there), and anybody who doesn't mind living next door to musicians as long as you don't have to hear them. Other residents included Babe Ruth, Enrico Caruso, Florenz Ziegfeld, and Theodore Dreiser.

The naughty 70's swingers club "Plato's Retreat" was housed in the basement

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